february, 2020

13febAll Day2020 The Nutritionist Jonas De Souza(All Day: thursday) EST


Event Details

Dr Jonas De Souza, PhD, will start the 2020 The Nutritionist season with a talk on Fatty Acid Nutrition during the Transition period.

Jonas is a Technical Services Manager for Perdue AgriBusiness Animal Nutrition focusing his working on fatty acid nutrition. He grew up in Chapeco, South of Brazil. He received his B.S. degree in Animal Science from Santa Catarina State University (2011). During his master, he focused his research on the effects of fatty acid supplementation on performance and metabolism of grazing cows  and obtained a M.S. degree in Animal Nutrition from The University of Sao Paulo (2014) in Brazil. With a background in lipid metabolism, he expanded on this expertise while at Michigan State University under the guidance of Dr. Adam Lock where he examined the impact of altering the dietary ratio of fatty acids on the performance and metabolism of dairy cows, and received his Ph.D degree in Animal Science from Michigan State University (2018).

Join us for the presentation followed by live question and answer sessions twice on February 13. The presentation will start at 9:00 am EST and 5:00 pm EST.

Registration required; contact Mariann to sign up.


All Day (Thursday)


AMTS, Ifina, 3rLab, NovaLab, AnSciTech, Haymingway, Dairy Innovations Italia

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