Ruminations Blog

Our blog is a collaborative effort. Some of the voices are AMTS principals, some are experts who have contracted with us to help clients utilize our products; some are nutritionists from around the world, helping us acquire a global perspective; and some are educators and pioneers in the field.

Starch Values in Cooked Ingredients

Starch Values in Cooked Ingredients

Research has suggested the WSC method of starch analysis is best suited for capturing all the sugars pertinent to ruminants. Digging deeper on results specifically in cooked ingredients (like bakery by-products, puffed grains) shows this not to be the case. Tom provides insight on why you SHOULD be using ESC values for these products.

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We have been getting emails and calls from nutritionists whose clients have to dump their milk and are seeking to use it, instead, as a feed ingredient. Dr Tom Tylutki gives some advice on how to do this.

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COVID-19 Corona Virus has forced many to change how they live and do business. AMTS is here with enhanced remote support and resources to help you keep feeding cattle and small ruminants in this challenging time.

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Feed Pricing Analysis Tool

Feed Pricing Analysis Tool

Some posts are worth repeating! The Feed Pricing Analysis tool will be a great help as you deal with fluxes in feed prices and respond to market changes in milk price. There is a lot of uncertainty out there--use everything you can to give your clients an edge in this...

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New Feedbank Release: Italian Feedbank

New Feedbank Release: Italian Feedbank

“The new feed library has been translated in the Italian language in order to help AMTS Italian customers in their daily work as nutritionists. The forages chosen to populate the Italian Feedbank come from the AMTS EU feeds, closer to the Italian forages for the analysis on components and fiber digestibility. In addiction, the concentrate were selected based upon composition and 7h starch digestibility.

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Meet Vivian

Meet Vivian

AMTS is excited to welcome Ziwei (Vivian) Wu to our company. She joined the team in May, hired for her excellent abilities in programming, web-based languages, and all-around "we think she will fit" vibe. As Vivian explained to us, in her English language classes in...

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A Present for You! The New Mixes Screen!

A Present for You! The New Mixes Screen!

The latest release of AMTS.Cattle.Pro features a completely re-vised way of dealing with mixes. The first change was to stop calling compilations of separate ingredients composites and just call them mixes. The reason they have been called composites for years in AMTS...

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Software update for Mac users

Software update for Mac users

AMTS.Cattle.Pro is a windows based program that must be run on a virtual PC for our Mac users. Tom and Lynn both run the program on Macs. Tom recently updated to  VMWare Fusion released v10 and experienced an issue with his license. Parallels released a new version...

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Features of latest Updates

Features of latest Updates

Shortly, you will receive notice on program opening that there is a new version of .Pro available and asked if you would like to update. It is always a good idea to say “yes” to that question. Two reasons: 1). Sometimes the update fixes a bug. You can save yourself...

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Advanced Optimizer Free Trial

Advanced Optimizer Free Trial

Depending on where you are, Your clients are either busy planting or busy harvesting. Maybe this is the perfect time for you to give the Advanced Optimizer a spin... During the month of May, AMTS.Cattle.Pro users can try out a free month of the Advanced Optimizer! We...

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DCAD Calculation in AMTS.Cattle.Pro

DCAD Calculation in AMTS.Cattle.Pro

By Sam Fessenden, AMTS Occasionally we receive questions regarding how the dietary anion-cation difference (DCAD) is calculated within the program. Users will see DCAD outputs displayed on the Min/Vit tab and the Ration Output tab. The calculations are fairly simple,...

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AMTS Hosted VFD Webinar

AMTS Hosted VFD Webinar

AMTS is facilitating a WebEx webinar with Dr. Melanie Hemenway, DVM, the coordinator of New York State Cattle Health Assurance Program (NYSCHAP), about the Veterinary Feed Directive that went into full effect throughout the United States as of January 1, 2017. Dr...

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Rock River in Europe

Rock River in Europe

A key component of any model based on the CNCPS is the ability to use feed analyses that correlate to the critical feed measurements used in model equations. We have been working with Christiane Brandes and Nils Landwehr of Rock River Laboratory--Europe to facilitate...

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Advanced Optimization

Advanced Optimization

Advanced Optimization in AMTS.Cattle.Professional Author: Samuel Fessenden, PhD Overview The advanced optimizer in AMTS.Cattle.Pro uses a genetic algorithm to create, evaluate, and evolve rations that are more cost effective at meeting the nutrient requirements....

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AMTS.Cattle.Pro version 4.7 Release

AMTS.Cattle.Pro version 4.7 Release

We are especially excited to release the latest version of AMTS.Cattle. This release, officially version 4.7 has a number of functionality improvements. As always, we have created a pdf that opens at program start--make sure you attend to it. You will find that it...

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Upcoming Release

Upcoming Release

Next Tuesday AMTS will release an update to AMTS.Cattle.Pro that we are all quite excited about. This is the first major update since we switched to the on-line registration system last Fall. We are all very excited; some of the changes are VERY big and some are a...

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AMTS Distributors

AMTS Distributors

AMTS is pleased to be a global leader in providing nutrition balancing software. We could not do this without the help of our distributors in various parts of the world. Distributors are responsible as the first line of support within their country. On becoming a...

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Guest Post: Dr Buzz Burhans

Guest Post: Dr Buzz Burhans

When we conceived the Ruminations blog it was intended to be a place where we could further information about ruminant nutrition is addition to articles specifically about our platform AMTS.Cattle.Pro. To that effort we have featured guest posts from The Miner...

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Tips and Tricks–How to handle Recipes

Tips and Tricks–How to handle Recipes

It seems like some questions about screen functionality keep recurring. When doing a training, we take pains to explain the Manage Recipes  button on the Recipes screen. Invariably, this still provides some consternation. Lynn wrote the following blog to address this...

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AMTS at Penn State Academic Initiative

AMTS at Penn State Academic Initiative

  Mariann took a trip to State College, Pennsylvania to assist two groups using AMTS.Cattle.Pro academically. It was beautiful weather for the drive and she spent an enjoyable time on campus teaching the program.   Mariann first met with Dr. Alex Hristov’s...

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Introducing Astrid Steed-Hughes

Introducing Astrid Steed-Hughes

Many of you may have already had some contact with Astrid Steed-Hughes, who serves as Administrative Assistant and is responsible for the day to day office operations at our headquarters.  Astrid began at AMTS in late March. If you felt the world was just a little...

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Lynn and Caroline take Minnesota by Storm!

Lynn and Caroline take Minnesota by Storm!

by Caroline Rasmussen   Lynn and I attended the AFIA (American Feed Industry Association) Feed Industry Institute in Minneapolis MN last week.  My brain is just recovering from being stuffed past capacity with a wide variety of information about the feed...

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New Feature: Milk Steps

New Feature: Milk Steps

In March AMTS issued an updated version of AMTS.Cattle™.Pro that made some functionality changes, incorporated the CNCPS v 6.5.5 biology, and introduced a new report feature. We routinely do two big update a year. These updates are implementations of user requests,...

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Version 4.5 has been released 3/21/16

Version 4.5 has been released 3/21/16

We've been working very hard the last few months to improve your modeling experience and we're happy to release version 4.5.02. In this version you will find the CNCPS 6.5.5 biology updates, updated reports, the updated CNCPS feedbank, and an  announcement page. This...

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