
We periodically produce podcasts to go with our other learning materials. Due to file size, most of the podcasts are only available as a download. For on-line streaming, see the webinar pages.

February 10, 2015
This podcast is an overview of the history of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System from it’s inception in 1978 up until version 6.1 released in 2010. We were greatly assisted by information derived from an earlier blog posting by Danny Fox and a wonderful paper called The Sniffen Affect by Chalupa and Boston. Information about the evolution of the model in the last decade was pulled from various proceedings papers coming out of Mike VanAmburgh’s research group. We hope you enjoy this little bit of history in anticipation of the upcoming release of the CNCPS version 6.5 and our subsequent release of AMTS.Cattle.Pro, version 4.0.

VFD Webinar Podcast

March 21, 2017
January 1, 2017 a regulation took effect within the United States that concerned antibiotic addition to feeds used for feed-animals. Dr Melanie Hemenway, DVM, NYSCHAP director, came to the AMTS offices and gave a webinar for producers, nutritionists, mill owner and operators, and veterinarians. She explained the ways medicated additions of specific classes are considered going forward.

We have converted our webinars to audio-only podcasts for those who would like to listen on the go. For full audio and video visit the Webinars page.

The Nutritionist Podcasts

The full benefit of The Nutritionist Series is gained by watching the archived webinars. We have received requests that we make the series available as podcasts that can be downloaded to mp3 compatible devices. Please note that in some talks the video is necessary to fully understand the concept described.

If you wish to view The Nutritionist webinars off-line, visit the AMTS Vimeo channel. There, each webinar is able to be downloaded. These podcasts are intended for listening while driving or going about tasks that prohibit viewing video

The Nutritionist 2015 Podcasts

2015 Podcast Series

Dr. Mike VanAmburgh, Updates to the CNCPS, February 11, 2015

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Dr. Mike DeGroot, Feeding ByProducts, March 11, 2015

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Dr. Tom Tylutki, Precision Feeding, April 8, 2015

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Dr. Dan Undersander, Corn Silage, May 13, 2015

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Dr. Noelia Silva-del-Rio, Feeding management, June 10, 2015

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Dr. Randy Shaver, Starch Digestibility, July 8, 2015

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Dr. Rick Grant, Cow Behavior, August 13, 2015

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Dr. Adam Lock, Feeding Fats, September 9, 2015

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Dr. John Goeser, Laboratory Analyses, October 14, 2015

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The Nutritionist 2016 Podcasts

2016 Podcast Series
Dr. Tom Overton, Transition Cows, February 10, 2016

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CVAS, DairyLand, Dairy One, Forage Lab Forum, March 9, 2016

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Dr Jim Drackley, Calves, April 13, 2016

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Dr Tom Jenkins, Fatty Acids, May 11, 2016

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Dr Bill Prokop, Diet Forensics, June 8, 2016

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Dr Mike VanAmburgh, Heifers, July 13, 2016

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Dr Charlie Sniffen, Fermentable Carbohydrates, August 10, 2016

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Dr Tom Tylutki, Advanced Strategies for Maximum Production plus NDF explained, September 14, 2016

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Dr Dave Barbano and Dr Heather Dann, Milk analysis and Nutrition, October 12, 2016

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Dr Nina VonKeyerlingk, Feeding and Housing Calves, November 9, 2016

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The Nutritionist 2017 Podcasts

2017 Podcast Series
Dr Barry Bradford, Feed, Fiber, and Fermentation, February 8, 2017

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Dr Larry Chase, Cows, Gases, and the Environment, March 8, 2017

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Dr Mark Hanigan, Is there really a single limiting amino acid?, April 5, 2017

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Dr Ian Lean, Nutrition of the Transition Period and the special challenges of pasture at this time, May 10, 2017

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Dr Sam Fessenden, Using on-farm data in nutritional models. June 7, 2017

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Dr Dale Bauman, Diet induced Milk Fat Depression. July 12, 2017

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Dr Christiaan Cruywagen, The Challenges of maintaining heath rumen pH in Dairy Cows. August 9, 2017

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Dr Lance Baumgard, Leaky Gut, heat stress, and ketosis. September 13, 2017

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Dr Michael Ballou, Stress and immunology. October 11, 2017

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Dr Heather Dann, Managing for milk components. November 8, 2017

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The Nutritionist 2018 Podcasts

2018 Podcast Series

Dr Chris Chase, Nutrition and Immunology, February 14, 2018

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Dr Laura Hernandez, Serotonin and Calcium regulation in Transition Cows, March 14, 2018

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Dr Tom Overton, Optimizing Liver Metabolism in Transition Cows, April 11, 2018

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Dr Phil Cardoso, Transition Nutrition in relation to reproductive health, May 9, 2018

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Dr Gordie Jones, Better Fresh Cows–The Goldilocks Diet, June 13,  2018

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Dr Marcia Endres,  Nutritional management with robotic milkers, July 11,  2018

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Dr Heidi Rossow, Manure Management. August 8,  2018

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Dr Adam Lock, Supplemental Fatty Acids in Lactating Cow Diets: Myth and Reality, September 12,  2018

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Dr Trevor DeVries, Animal Behavior, October 10,  2018

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Dr Bill Weiss, Mineral Recommendations, November 14,  2018

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The Beef Nutritionist 2018 Podcasts

2018 Beef Podcast Series

Dr Alejandro Relling, Fetal Programming, May 9, 2018

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Dr Alfredo DiCostanzo, Backgrounding, June 11, 2018

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Dr Danny Fox, Beef Models, August 15, 2018

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Dr Jhones Sarturi, Beef Metabolism, September 12, 2018

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Dr Nicolas DiLorenzo, Forage Utilization, November 14, 2018

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The Nutritionist 2019 Podcasts

2019 Podcast Series

Dr Rick Grant, peuNDF, February 14, 2019

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Dr Mike Van Amburgh, colostrum, March 14, 2019

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Dr Akira Saito, Calf feeding with automatic feeders, April 11, 2019

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Dr Niles Jennett, Practicalities beyond the Ration, May 9, 2019

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Dr Geoff Dahl, Transition period heat stress effects on Dam and Daughter, July 11, 2019

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Dr Sam Fessenden, Model Biology and Optimization, August 8, 2019

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Dr Tom Jenkins, Feeding stategies to prevent milkfat depression, September 12, 2019

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Dr Michel Wattiaux, Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emisions from Dairy Farms, October 10, 2019

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Mr Mike Dineen, Optimizing Productivity from Pasture-based Systems, November 14, 2019

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Dr Jim Drackley, What causes low colostrum yield and quality?, December 12, 2019

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The Nutritionist 2020 Podcasts

2020 Podcast Series
Dr Jonas DeSouza, fatty acid nutrition in the transition period, February 13, 2020

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Dr. Jesse Goff, Hypocalcemia in dairy cows, March 12, 2020

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Dr.Frank Mitloehner, The 2050 Challenge: Feeding the planet without losing it, April 9, 2020

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Dr.Bill Stone, Rations and mixing the diet on farm monitoring, May 14, 2020

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Dr.Jude Capper, Advances in the environmental impact of Dairy farming since 2007, June 11, 2020

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Dr.Peter Yoder, Protein Metabolism in Dairy cattle diets, July 9, 2020

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Dr.Jennifer Van Os, Heat Stress mitigation strategies in Dairy cattle, August 13, 2020

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Dr.Tom Tylutki, Farm Tour and farm questions, September 10, 2020

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Dr. Trevor DeVries, Management decisions in Robot dairies, October 8, 2020

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Dr. Andreas Foskolos, The Goat Nutritionist Part 1, November 12, 2020

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Dr. Andreas Foskolos, The Goat Nutritionist Part 2, December 10, 2020

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The Nutritionist 2021 Podcasts

2021 Podcast Series

Dr Tom Tylutki, Farm Tour and deep dive, Part 1 , February 11, 2021

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Dr. Phil Cardoso, Transition cows behind the scene, March 11, 2021

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Mr Massoud Aoun, Lamb Fattening in Europe, March 18, 2021

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Dr. Marcelo Hentz Ramos, Brazilian Dairies, April 8, 2021

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Dr. Philippe Hassoun, Milking Sheep Nutrition in the INRAE system, April 15, 2021

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Dr. Vadim Bakhchevnikov, A farm tour and then some of Beaver creek, USA and Legend, Russia Dairies, May 13, 2021

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Mr John Winchell, Sheep Diet Formulation approach and application in AMTS.Small Ruminants, May 20, 2021

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Dr Rick Grant, Cow Comfort and maximizing productivity, June 10, 2021

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Dr Chaouki Benchaar, Dietary Options to reduce enteric methane emissions from dairy cows, June 17, 2021

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Dr Sotirios Karvountzis, The information and team he uses to advise his clients for maximum health, efficiency, and production, July 8, 2021

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Dr Elena Bonfante and Dr Bill Prokop, A tour of three Italian Dairies, August 12, 2021

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Dr Heinri Spangenberg, Precision feeding in Parlours, September 9, 2021

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Dr Tom Tylutki, Farm Tour: Heifers, October 14,  2021

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Daniel Scothorn, Farm Tour, Nova Scotia, Canada, November 11,  2021

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Dr Sam Fessenden, Experiences on a Robot Dairy, December 9, 2021

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The Nutritionist 2022 Podcasts

2022 Podcast Series

Dr Tom Tylutki, Nutritional Concerns in a Global Crisis, March 15, 2022

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Dr. Mike Van Amburgh, Progress in Reducing Environmental Impact of Dairy, April 14, 2022

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Mr Elliot Block, Palm Oil, What is it and How sustainable is it?, May 12, 2022

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Dr. Frank Mitloehner, The Real Story about Climate CHange and Animal Agriculture, June 9, 2022

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Dr. Jude Capper and Dr Sara Place, Spreading science information outside the industry, July 14, 2022

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Dr. Joe McFadden, Dietary solutions to inhibit ruminal methanogenesis: Where are we now, where do we go next, and how do we get there? August 11, 2022

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Dr Tom Tylutki, Formulating for Profit and a better environment, October 13. 2022

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