Our Staff and Consultants

The AMTS mission is to provide and promote integrated solutions that enhance the economic and environmental sustainability of animal agriculture and allied industries. We feel that our team is not limited to AMTS partners and employees. Important members of our team include our distributors and integration partners.

Tom Tylutki

Tom Tylutki

President and CEO

President and CEO, Tom Tylutki, holds a PhD from Cornell University and has been involved in the development and training of the original Cornell model since 1990.
Vajesh Durbal

Vajesh Durbal


Vajesh Durbal was the programmer for CNCPS versions 4, 5, and 6, and is the programmer for the current version. He also programmed Cornell Cropware and the 2001 Dairy NRC Model. He holds a BS and MS from Cornell University, and an MS from Illinois State University.
Caroline Rasmussen

Caroline Rasmussen


Caroline Nowak Rasmussen has coordinated multiple economic and animal modeling projects at Cornell University. She is responsible for development and support of AMTS.Feedbank Manager. Caroline holds a BS from Cornell University.
Lynn Gilbert

Lynn Gilbert

Marketing & Support

Lynn Gilbert is responsible for North American Marketing and Support. She holds an AS degree in Agronomy from SUNY Morrison and a BS in Animal Science from Cornell University. She is a practicing nutritionist in Upstate New York.
Mariann Fessenden

Mariann Fessenden

Communications & Education

Mariann Fessenden, holding a BS from Cornell in Animal Science, wears many hats. She is our Academic Liaison, Distributor Champion, primary blogger, website manager, and documentation provider.
Astrid Steed-Hughes

Astrid Steed-Hughes

Administrative Assistant

Astrid Steed-Hughes, serves as Administrative Assistant and is responsible for AMTS office operations. Astrid has an Associates Degree in Office Administration from Willhelm-Merton Vocational School, Frankfurt, Germany.
Fred Rasmussen

Fred Rasmussen

Support & Maintenance

Fred Rasmussen is responsible for Support and Maintenance of  AMTS.FaaS.CNCPS and development of multiple other projects. He graduated from the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, with B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering. Fred is one of our contractors who fulfills a vital support role for our team.
Sam Fessenden

Sam Fessenden

Technical Support

Sam holds three degrees in Animal Science: a PhD and a BS from Cornell University and a MS from University of Minnesota. Sam has been working with and conducting research using the CNCPS model since 2010. His PhD research focused on rumen nitrogen metabolism and prediction of amino acid supply. Sam provides global technical and nutritional support.
Ziwei (Vivian) Wu

Ziwei (Vivian) Wu

Applications Developer

Ziwei (Vivian) Wu is responsible for development and support of AMTS applications. She holds a MA in Industrial & Organizational Psychology and a MS in Computer Science from Hofstra University.
Alex Converse

Alex Converse

Program Development

Alex is responsible for assisting in developing and maintaining code for multiple AMTS products. He works specifically in data-base management and program integration. Alex studied math and computer programming at SUNY Geneseo and Tompkins Corland Community College.

We strongly believe that each new user should go through our training process.

Although our software is easy to use, it has many optional, advanced features designed to maximize efficiency. We have found that a solid understanding of the biology is necessary to acquire true mastery of the program and fully benefit from the nuances it brings to ration formulation. For this reason, AMTS conducts numerous training sessions both on program usability and model biology, throughout the US (and internationally) year round.

Go to our support page to find upcoming events or contact our sales team 
sales@agmodelsystems.com for more information.

Academic Options

It is our policy to provide discounted licenses of AMTS.Farm products to Universities and teaching facilities for teaching (free) and research (1/2 price). We have developed a comprehensive packet of materials that instructors and their assistants use AMTS.Farm to teach nutrition using the CNCPS Model for Cattle and NRC Model for Small Ruminants to their students. For more information contact us at support@agmodelsystems.com.

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