Software update for Mac users

AMTS.Cattle.Pro is a windows based program that must be run on a virtual PC for our Mac users. Tom and Lynn both run the program on Macs. Tom recently updated to  VMWare Fusion released v10 and experienced an issue with his license. Parallels released a new version...

Tips and Tricks–How to handle Recipes

It seems like some questions about screen functionality keep recurring. When doing a training, we take pains to explain the Manage Recipes  button on the Recipes screen. Invariably, this still provides some consternation. Lynn wrote the following blog to address this...

Feed Analysis

We get asked on a pretty regular basis what do we recommend for feed analysis; especially when people want to add new feeds to the library. So to answer that question, we’ve put together this posting. This is not a simple question to answer as it depends upon:...

AMTS software and Windows 10

Hello everyone. AMTS Software runs very nicely on Windows 10. We have been testing it for several months using the beta of Win 10 to ensure compatibility and it performed very nicely. So if you desire to upgrade to Windows 10, from an AMTS standpoint, all will work!...

Importing Feed Analysis

With the release of version 4, AMTS has adopted a new method for importing feed analysis from labs. This method was initially based upon the .amts_fa file format and then greatly expanded by DairyOne, DairyLand and CVAS. It has also been adopted by Rock River. It is...
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