The CNCPS v 6.5 Roadshow–Winter 2015

A couple of things from our website: The AMTS mission is to provide and promote integrated solutions that enhance the economic and environmental sustainability of animal agriculture and allied industries. AND At AMTS, our goal is to be the global, independent, expert...

CNCPS v 6.5 in AMTS.Cattle™.Pro

There has been a hubbub in the industry regarding the pending release of the CNCPS v 6.5. Nutritionists who are users of the model have been both anticipatory and concerned—”How will the changes affect my numbers?”, “What do I need to do...

Looking Forward CNCPS v 6.5

Since the last major revision of the CNCPS in 2010, further refinements of the model have been researched and validated in the effort to more closely predict animal responses to nutrient and management inputs. Several adjustments to the model biology will be...

Guest Post: Danny G. Fox: On the History of CNCPS

We are very fortunate, here at AMTS, to have had special insight into the development of the CNCPS model and to have been on the development team. Danny G. Fox, Professor Emeritus, Cornell University, has served as mentor and colleague to several on our team. He can...
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