Sometimes when working on a diet, you get all of the feeds in place in the proportions that you like, but you want to increase the DMI of the whole recipe. It would be tedious to manually increase each component of the recipe while maintaining the established...
AMTS.Pro is a complex and detailed program based on CNCPS 6.1 biology. When fully utilized it very accurately predicts animal performance, both in terms of productive output (milk, growth) and excretions. When you first begin modeling a new farm there is A LOT of...
There are a couple of places in .Pro where you can key in notes about the farm so that you can see them when you are working in the Farm. Notes on the Farm window are not printed anywhere. They are just there for you or anyone you send the file to. The other place to...
The next few tips will relate specifically to the Farm file saving options within .Pro. There are a couple of ways files can be saved in the program and a few specifics that are helpful to know. The default file saving option for AMTS.Pro is to have the Auto-Save...
The Farm Feed information is able to be viewed in the Feeds Screen in two ways. The first and default view shows Feed Name, Source, DM, Last Update Date, and Price (in several different ways). The carrot beside each column head allows for sorting ascending by that...