Yesterday, I showed a quick run through of importing a feed analysis into the Farm Feedbank Library. As you may remember, an important part of that process is to import “to” a similar feed in the farm file. For example, you would like to import the Laboratory analysis...
Importing feed analysis to the program is very easily done; many of the most commonly used labs are set up to email results in several file extensions at your request. Labs familiar with the program will be able to send your feed file as an .amts_fa file. After you...
This is the time of year that Lynn doesn’t seem to stay home for very long. This past week she was at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI. Next week has her heading west, again, to attend the Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference being held in Coeur...
The Help menu has some very useful options if you have some questions about particular areas of the program. The first item on the list is View User’s Manual. I have spent a lot of time trying to make this as inclusive and understandable as possible. Clicking that...
There are a couple of ways to navigate AMTS.Pro. The most obvious method is the Ribbon containing icons and categories that stretches across the top. You can select data entry screens and move around the program using the drop down menu (File, View, Tools, Windows,...