Guest Post: Dr Buzz Burhans

When we conceived the Ruminations blog it was intended to be a place where we could further information about ruminant nutrition is addition to articles specifically about our platform AMTS.Cattle.Pro. To that effort we have featured guest posts from The Miner...

A Biology Change is Coming…

In our next release, there will be a biology change that will impact every diet. Over time, questions have been asked about the energy values (both of feeds and of recipes) predicted by CNCPS 6.1 and 6.5. The general consensus has been that they have been low. This...

CNCPS 6.5 changes; Nitrogen digestion and Ross Assay

Advances in the laboratory methods for defining what feeds bring to the table in terms of nitrogen availability, intestinal digestibilities, and rates of passage. As we have drilled down into animal requirements and increased our precision and accuracy of animal...
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