AMTS.Cattle.Pro has released a new Feedbank for program use. As Sam indicated in his blog, AMTS is working with our distributors and users around the globe to develop regional feedbanks that have more accurate characterizations of local feed to improve diet formulation. Given the importance of accurate expression of feed traits for best modeling (see Sam’s The Nutritionist talk from June 2017), using regional feedbanks can greatly improve predictions and provide more accurate rations.
Elena Bonfante, our Italian distributor, has collaborated to help in the first step in developing an Italian Feed Library is available for download. As the first step in a full implementation, this version is a translation of feed library names to Italian. The next step will be compiling and adjusting feed values after laboratory analysis. Elena has written the below information (appropriately in English AND Italian) about the new feedbank
AMTS introduce a new feedbank:AMTS Italian Feedbank , By Dott.ssa Elena Bonfante
“The new feed library has been translated in the Italian language in order to help AMTS Italian customers in their daily work as nutritionists. The forages chosen to populate the Italian Feedbank come from the AMTS EU feeds, closer to the Italian forages for the analysis on components and fiber digestibility. In addiction, the concentrate were selected based upon composition and 7h starch digestibility.
HOWEVER… remember that the values in the feed library are an average with wide variation. The variability is related to the hybrid type, weather conditions of the year, harvesting time, irrigation methods… Thus, sending periodically samples to the lab remains the best choice in order to know the actual quality of the feeds of the farm you are working with. This will allow you, the nutritionist, to serves your client with the best precision feeding strategy in order to optimize the IOFC of the dairy.
AMTS presenta la nuova bancadati alimenti: Feedbank Italia.
la nuova libreria di alimenti é stata tradotta in italiano per aiutare i clienti AMTS in Italia nel loro lavoro quotidiano come nutrizionisti.
I foraggi scelti e inseriti nella Feedbanck Italia sono stati presi dalla nuova libreria AMTS EU Feeds, in quanto sono risultati simili ai foraggi italiani per composizione e digeribilitá della fibra (vedi Sam’s Blog link). Inoltre sono stati selezionati, dalle banchedati alimenti di AMTS, i concentrati simili per composizione e digeribilitá dell’amido a 7h, a quelli analizzati in Italia.
TUTTAVIA… ricorda che i valori presenti nella libreria alimenti rappresentano una media, con un’ampia variabilitá. tale variabilitá é dovuta all’ibrido utilizzato, alle condizioni ambientali, al tempo di raccolta, al metodo di irrigazione… perciò la scelta milgiore rimane quella di inviare periodicamente i campioni di alimenti in laboratorio per capire l’effettiva composizione degli alimenti utilizzati dall’azienda con cui lavori. questo ti permetterá di aiutare il tuo cliente utilizzando al massimo la strategia dell’alimentazione di precisione e ottimizzare l’IOFC (Income Over Feed Cost) dell’azienda.”
The addition of regional feed libraries is part of AMTS’s ongoing desire to provide the tools needed to best serve our client nutritionists. Using regional feeds in conjunction with recommended laboratory analyses from reputable labs and their affiliates is critical to obtaining accurate model predictions. Remember, these feedbanks are intended for use in the areas specified and, for that reason, do NOT automatically download. Please review this blog about checking and downloading new feedbanks.