AMTS Feedbank Manager Now Importing Data from Hybrimin®

AMTS is now integrating with Hybrimin to enable users to download mix specifications and pricing data for feeds from the Mill software into AMTS.Feedbank Manager.  Feedbank Manager (FBM) saves you time and trouble (in the form of manual entry errors) by electronically sharing data between Mill Programs (BestMix™, Brill Formulation®, Format™ and now Hybrimin®), analytical lab analyses, and AMTS Cattle.  Additionally, FBM can be used to control security settings for AMTS.Farm feed banks and individual feeds, track which users change or create a feed, and the date the feed values are changed.


Now, Hybrimin ingredient price and nutrient data, as well as product formulas and prices, can be downloaded into AMTS.Feedbank Manager.  Feedbank Manager can be set to update AMTS.Farm.Cattle and AMTS.Farm.Small Ruminant Ration Formulation farm files.  With FBM and AMTS.Farm , you will always have to most update prices and nutrient specs.

Tutorials Featuring AMTS.FeedBank Manager

Caroline Rasmussen, company FBM Champion has helped create several tutorial videos that are found on our YouTube Channel. To view that playlist click here. We have created a specific video about the Hybrimin import that can be viewed here. Additionally, Caroline wrote an excellent blog post about the benefits of using FBM.


FBM created Feedbanks versus AMTS.Cattle.Pro created Feedbanks

  AMTS.Farm AMTS.Feedbank Manager
Function Reconcile feed nutrients and prices on multiple farm files for individual user. Reconcile feed nutrients and prices across multiple farms and users.
Reconcile Must be manually reconciled using the Personal feedbank reconcile. Uses Company reconcile which can be set to start when .Farm farm opens.
Feed Password Protection Feeds can be password protected. Feeds can be password protected.
Read-Only Feedbanks Not available Feedbanks can be set to Read-only so users can read but not add to or delete any feeds from them.
Company-Specific Feedbanks Not available Feedbanks can be set to be Company Specific.  Only users with defined Company ID will have access to them.
Feedbank Expiration Date Not available Feedbanks can be set to have an expiration date.
Change Log Not available Tracks who and when feedbank files are changed.
Mix Analysis and Formula Display Unless mix is password protected, nutrient specs and formula are visible. User can set mixes to display nutrient specs but not formula or nutrient specs and formula, or neither.


Get a free 30 day trial of AMTS.Feedbank Manager,(

Caroline Rasmussen is the CFO of AMTS and support specialist for FBM


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