Supplier page for adding feeds to AMTS Commercial Feedbank

Feed nutrients analyses are critically important to the value of the predictions in the CNCPS-based AMTS.Farm model. Historically, all feeds in the Feed Libraries were vetted through the Cornell University group responsible for model integrity. The simultaneous growth of specialized feed ingredients and decrease in available resources at all universities have resulted in challenges to have feeds entered the library in a reasonably timely fashion. In effort to maintain the veracity of the data in the library while accommodating the development of new feeds, we developed the AMTS Commercial Feeds library.  Effective January 1, 2021, we are initiating a new process to adding feeds to the AMTS Commercial feed library.

How to get your feed into the AMTS Commercial Feedbank

Suppliers wishing to have products added to the AMTS feedbank database can now do so by filling out a form directly from our website.  Adding a feed requires that the supplier holds a current license of AMTS.Farm and pays a fee of $100/entry.  After filling out the form and submitting it to AMTS, the supplier will receive an invoice and submittal notice.  Edits can be made until the feed is approved by AMTS.  The AMTS feed library will be updated twice a year, March 1 and Nov 1.  There will be no other edits or additions to feedbanks during the year unless there is a CNCPS update.  The cut off for submissions is Feb 1 and October 1 of each year.  If a feed is submitted after the cut- off date, we will add the product to the next library update.  Each new feed will be given a note “supplier specs” to let users know it’s not an official CNCPS feed, but the nutrient values are directly from a supplier.  If a customer has a question about supplier numbers, AMTS will direct the customer to the submitter.

If you are a supplier and wish to know more about getting your products into the AMTS Commercial Feeds feedbank, please contact support for more details.

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