Program Features, User Tips
AMTS.Cattle.Pro is a very detailed program, there is a lot of information to enter, some aspects may not be intuitive to all users, and sometimes things go wrong. We provide considerable support through conferences, group and individual live training sessions, and...
Program Features, User Tips
By this time, I hope, many of you have tried the new Tree option in the latest version of AMTS.Cattle.Pro. When Vijay first gave me a beta version with it, I was immediately climbing through it to see how I could use it. I have found that it is my new, preferred, way...
Formulating, Program Features, Releases
In March AMTS issued an updated version of AMTS.Cattle™.Pro that made some functionality changes, incorporated the CNCPS v 6.5.5 biology, and introduced a new report feature. We routinely do two big update a year. These updates are implementations of user requests,...
Formulating, Program Features, TMR
There has been a hidden gem in AMTS.Cattle.Pro for the past 15-18 months. We have been keeping it quiet while some evaluations were conducted. This is a system for feeding milk fed calves. It represents a combination of the 2001 Dairy NRC Calf Model, publications from...
Program Features, Releases, Updates
As discussed in a previous post, in order for the program to work using the new CNCPS 6.5 biology, users must first convert farms using the Amino Acid Conversion Tool. A quick video demonstrating that process is found here. There are a couple of issues about how that...
Program Features, Releases
With the release of version 4, AMTS has adopted a new method for importing feed analysis from labs. This method was initially based upon the .amts_fa file format and then greatly expanded by DairyOne, DairyLand and CVAS. It has also been adopted by Rock River. It is...