Feed Analysis

We get asked on a pretty regular basis what do we recommend for feed analysis; especially when people want to add new feeds to the library. So to answer that question, we’ve put together this posting. This is not a simple question to answer as it depends upon:...

Calves in AMTS.Cattle.Pro

There has been a hidden gem in AMTS.Cattle.Pro for the past 15-18 months. We have been keeping it quiet while some evaluations were conducted. This is a system for feeding milk fed calves. It represents a combination of the 2001 Dairy NRC Calf Model, publications from...

Creating a Master Batch from a Recipe

The nutritionist needs to be the master of creating efficient protocols that help busy clients get the most out of their resources, be they time, money, or products. Often, especially on larger facilities, the farmer may want to create his own concentrate mix from...

CNCPS v 6.5 in AMTS.Cattle™.Pro

There has been a hubbub in the industry regarding the pending release of the CNCPS v 6.5. Nutritionists who are users of the model have been both anticipatory and concerned—”How will the changes affect my numbers?”, “What do I need to do...
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