AMTS Academic: Mary Raeth University of Minnesota

Dr Mary Raeth at the University of Minnesota use the Academic Initiative to assist in teaching ration balancing to her undergraduate class. 2016 is her second year using the program in her classes. In 2015 Mariann and Dr Raeth collaborated in classroom teaching...

Guest Post: Dr Buzz Burhans

When we conceived the Ruminations blog it was intended to be a place where we could further information about ruminant nutrition is addition to articles specifically about our platform AMTS.Cattle.Pro. To that effort we have featured guest posts from The Miner...

Tips and Tricks–How to handle Recipes

It seems like some questions about screen functionality keep recurring. When doing a training, we take pains to explain the Manage Recipes  button on the Recipes screen. Invariably, this still provides some consternation. Lynn wrote the following blog to address this...

AMTS Goes to the Big Data Discover Conference

Sam and Caroline were delighted to travel to Chicago to attend the November Discover Conference. They were also in Chicago the night the Cubs won the World Series. Since they were staying in a hotel, Sam said the crowd at the bar was not as exuberant as you might have...
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