The AMTS Feed Library has been updated based upon updates from Cornell. When you open the program, if you are connected to the internet, you will get a message stating there is an update to the feed library; we recommend that you do so. Will become a routine process going forward.

At this time, it was only commercial feeds that were impacted. Many of the updates were previously incorporated by AMTS but it still may be good to check your specs.

The first list primarily impacts Protein degradation rates.

Soy Pass

AjiPro L

Nutrient content, fatty acid profile, rates

Energy Booster 100

Energy Booster hP

Kemin MetiPearl

New Feeds or most specs changed:

ZinPro 120

ZinPro 180

ZinPro 40

ZinPro Availa Plus

ZinPro 4 Plex C

ZinPro Availa 4

ZinPro Availa 4J

ZinPro Avail Zn 120

Acid Buf


Intellibond Copper

Intellibond Manganese

Intellibond Dairy

Intellibond Zinc

Intellibond Vital 4

KemTrace Co 18

KemTrace Cu 25

KemTrace Mn12

KemTrace Zn 4

KemTrace Zn 27

KemTrace Cr 0.4

KemTrace Cr 0.04

KemTrace Cu 29

SQM Mg 10%

Palmit 80
Palmit 98
Palmit T16
USA Lysine
Zinpro Availa Fe 100
Zinpro Availa Cu 100
Zinpro 4-Plex E
Zinpro COPRO 25
Zinpro CuPlex 100
Zinpro Manpro 160
Zinpro Availa Mn 80
Bergafat F-100
Bergafat F-100 HP
StearoLac 90
Energy Booster Mag

We highly recommend you reimport any of these feeds from the AMTS library if you are using them in any of your rations. If the name is the same on the farm feed as the library feed, you will be able to just overwrite the specs and the new values will be reflected in the diets. If you have changed the names, you will need to add the changed feeds into each diet.

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