Candelaria Ferrer Somaré M.V; MSc. serves as a distributor for AMTS products in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay through GEPSA Feeds. Recently Candelaria organized a training session teaching utilization of AMTS.Cattle™.Pro in formulating diets in Argentina. [EDIT: Candelaria is no longer the Distributor for AMTS through GEPSA–Ignacio Reano is the Distributor]

Here is the same announcement in English

At this, and at previous work sessions Nutritionists and Veterinarians have gathered to learn formulation. Tom has traveled to Argentina numerous time to assist in teaching and to learn more about the cattle systems in that area. Candelaria serves as coordinator for these sessions. Here is an example of a diet typical to the central Zone of Chile.

In a visit Tom made last fall they visited some farms in Chile. Candelaria prepared information about feeding, production, and feed prices. Tom worked through some examples of what could be changed in the diets to improve productions and margins. Candelaria provided him with statistics about the farms and processors.

Statistics.( Provided by Candelaria)

Number of cows per zone in intensive production: (Reference Numbers)

  • Central Zone N°: 30.000
  • South Central N°: 20.000
  • South Zone N°: 150.000

Participation of different regions on fluid milk for year 2012.

  • Metropolitan Region: 6,5%
  • Biobío Region: 8,7%
  • Araucanía Región: 8,6%
  • Los Ríos Región: 30%
  • Los Lagos Región: 45%

The Most important milk industries in the country.

  • Colun. 24,7%
  • Soprole. 21,8%
  • Nestlé. 22,5%
  • Watts 11,9%
  • Surlat 6,4%.
  • Others: 12,7%
  • National Production. Total of milk in year 2012: 2.650.000 Liters.
  • Projection of reception for 2013. 2.757.500 Liters.

Examples of Production Systems.

Central Zone (Santiago)

  • System: Dry lots.
  • Production range: 30-40liters.
  • Common ingredients: Conservative Forages (like silage)-Grain-Sub products.
  • Average price of milk: $247. 66/liter (0.49U$S).

Central South Zone (Los Ángeles).

  • System: Dry lots and grazing in some month.
  • Production Range: 25-35litros
  • Common ingredients: Conservative Forages -Grains-Sub products-Grazing
  • Average Price of milk: 237,85-227,72/liter (0,47- 0,45 U$S)

South Zone (Osorno)

  • Systems: grazing-Supplementation with grains and sub products.
  • Range of Production: 15-30 liters
  • Kind of diets: grazing 100% and some of them are grazing with supplementation
  • Basic diet: Rye Grass (Lolium Perenne)
  • Milk price 226,92. (0,44 U$S)

Milk Processors Payment Policies


Santiago and Saint Fernando.

1. Prices: values without tax (in Spanish we say: VA).

The Price per liter of milk with 3, 0 % w/v of fat and 3,0 % w/v of protein will be: $123,79. (0,24U$S)

2. Fats: analysis each 15 days. The differences from the 30 grams considered in the base price of a liter, is recovered to $ 1,000.00 a kilo. (2 U $ S)

3. PROTEIN: analysis each 15 days. The differences from the 30 grams considered in the base price of a liter, is recovered to $ 4,200.00 a kilo. (8.4 U $ S)

The Angeles Zone.

1. Prices: values without tax (in Spanish we call: IVA).

The base price per liter of milk with 3.0% w / v fat and 3.0% w / v protein is: $ 108.26.

2. FAT: analysis each 15 days. The differences from the 30 grams considered in the base price of a liter, is recovered to $ 1,000.00 a kilo. (2 U $ S)

3. PROTEIN: analysis each 15 days. The differences from the 30 grams considered in the base price of a liter, is recovered to $ 4,200.00 a kilo. (8.4 U $ S)

Guidelines of Watts

Los Lagos Región

General criteria and parameters applicable from May 1, 2013, for calculating benchmark prices that Watts SA, pay providers in the Region of Los Lagos, for the milk of the contracts of buy and sell that stipulate.

1. Base price per liter of milk with 3.0% w / v fat and 3.0% protein w / v $ / litro110, 4. (0.22 U $ S)

2. Winter Bonus: $ 10 will be canceled only for milk produced during the months of May, June, July and August.

3. Bonuses solids (Fats + Protein).

Value for the differential on Fats +/- 800 $/Kg (1,6U$S)

Value for the differential on protein +/- 3.700 $/Kg (7,4U$S)

Value for the total differential of solids more than 7% w / v + 700 USD / Kg (1.4 U $ S)

Guidelines of Nestle.

The Lagos Region.

Beginning on October 16, 2012, Nestle Chile SA. Will adjust their purchase prices of fresh milk according to the following pattern:

1. The base price will be: $ 107.50 / l (0.21 U $ S)

2. Winter Bonus applied to all kilograms of milk protein actually delivered between the months of May to August, currently set at $ 120 / kg (0.24 U $ S)

3. Bonuses on all fresh milk

Bonus by Solids:

a. Protein

They pay according to price correction + / – 30.5 g protein / kg of fresh milk: $ 4.300/Kg. (8.6 U $ S)

b. Fats

Will be paid as price correction depending on + / – 30 g MG / kg of fresh milk: $ 600/kg. (1.2 U $ S)

Candelaria included some pictures of the Dairies they visited.

Many thanks to Candelaria for providing the information and pictures. Please contact her directly with questions about using AMTS in Chile, Argentina, or Uruguay.


M. V. Ignacio Reano
Jefe Técnico Comercial · GEPSA Feeds 
Tel.: +54 (3572) 47 3000 – Int.: 162 – Cel.: +54 9 (351) 7346646
Ruta 13 km 2,5 – (X5972GMA) – Pilar – Córdoba
Web: ·


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