Fiber in forages is complex. As our understanding of the best methods to characterize fiber as the cow sees it has changed from lignin x 2.4, to timepoints, to pools. In the continued quest to improve the CNCPS model and moving to version 7.0 the concept of three timepoints and a single integrated rate for aNDFom degradation is gradually moving to additional timepoints and the concept of characterizing pools as fast/slow/uNDF. The research has been reported at The Cornell Nutrition Conference for multiple years and it’s implementation in the model has allowed better characterization of forage digestibility. Tom, has been closely coordinating with the Van Amburgh group as the understanding  of fiber digestibility has shifted and increased. Recent insight on highly digestible forages was discussed in a November 2019 The Nutritionist webinar with Dr Michael Dineen. Here, we offer Tom’s discussion and further explanation of aNDFom timepoints in a white paper by Dr. Tylutki. This insightful analysis is created to help AMTS users better understand the model predictions and how they may have refined diet outputs. It is ONLY available to license holders and is accessible through the Client Resources under the Knowledge Base dropdown on our webpage Please share any questions or comments you have with Lynn Gilbert or Dr Tom Tylutki.

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