Two of our busiest academic users are Dr. Sergio Rubens Soares and Dr. Bolivar Nóbrega de Faria in Brazil. . In their positions as Professors in Rehagro – Recursos Humanos no Agronegócio, they teach many of the nutrition classes in different states of the county. Over...
Dr Mary Raeth at the University of Minnesota use the Academic Initiative to assist in teaching ration balancing to her undergraduate class. 2016 is her second year using the program in her classes. In 2015 Mariann and Dr Raeth collaborated in classroom teaching...
Kevin Rauchholz, instructor at Fox Valley Technical College in Appleton, WS, was one of the earliest adopters of the AMTS Academic Initiative. Fox Valley is a hands on technical college what provides take-home management practices for those wishing to immediately join...
Mariann took a trip to State College, Pennsylvania to assist two groups using AMTS.Cattle.Pro academically. It was beautiful weather for the drive and she spent an enjoyable time on campus teaching the program. Mariann first met with Dr. Alex Hristov’s...
Rehagro is a professional training company which teaches courses in various agricultural fields in Brazil. They teach use the CNCPS model through AMTS to teach graduate level ruminant nutrition courses. AMTS provides the AMTS.Cattle.Pro program for teachers,...
Agricultural Modeling and Training Systems has always striven to provide more than just software. We have a strong commitment to ensuring that our users have the tools that they need to help them succeed in feeding cattle in the best possible manner. To this effort we...