AMTS is excited to welcome Ziwei (Vivian) Wu to our company. She joined the team in May, hired for her excellent abilities in programming, web-based languages, and all-around “we think she will fit” vibe. As Vivian explained to us, in her English language classes in China, students select a Western name; she chose Vivian. We asked her some information so that you can get to know her better. She shared some pictures and told us a little about herself.


Vivian serves as Web Application Developer at AMTS LLC. She is responsible for developing, maintaining, and supporting web projects for the company. She started her career here in May, 2018.

Shenzhen Civic Center

Vivian was born and raised in southern China. She attended Shenzhen University in Guangdong province, China for her bachelor’s degree. She then came to the US to take her Masters Degrees at Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY She holds two master degrees, one in Industrial Organizational Psychology and the other in Computer Science. In taking the job with AMTS she has moved to the exciting college town of Ithaca, NY.

MiaoMiao's former home

Vivian likes music, travelling, hiking and foods, but not cooking!! She often plays piano during her spare time and she also loves to capture beautiful views during hiking with friends. She has an adorable orange cat named Miaomiao and he is a tropical cat from Florida! Vivian shared some pictures with us. we are very glad to have Vivian join us! We all kind of knew she would work out when Lynn asked her is she liked cats during a break in the interview. She did not even pause think of her response.


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