The Nutritionist 2021
Each hour session is held on the second Thursday of the month at 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM EST, during February, March, November, and December and 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM EDT, April through October. A link to the complete recording of each seminar will later be posted here. Pre-registration is required. For more information and registration, contact
The webinars are transmitted globally in multiple languages. Mariann Fessenden from AMTS is the host and producer. A Spanish language webinar is hosted by Paula Turiello of Ifina in Argentina, Marcelo Hentz Ramos of 3RLab in Brazil hosts in Portuguese, Marcos Neves Pereira of Universidade Federal de Lavras submits questions from the Brazilian audience, Mandarin translations and hosting in China is with Shawn Li of AnSciTech, Vadim Bakhchevnikov of Novalab hosts for the Russian audience, and Elena Bonfante of Dairy Innovations Italia joins from Italy, and Hüdayi Kavuşturan of Zirve hosts for the audience in Turkey.
This educational series would not be possible without the support our generous sponsors. We hope you will look to them when you have nutritional needs.
Our Gold Sponsors are: Arm & Hammer Animal and Food Production, The Canola Council of Canada, Idena, Protekta
Silver Sponsors are: Ajinomoto Heartland, Virtus, and DairyLand Laboratories, Inc, Dairy One Forage Laboratories, Adisseo, Micronutrients
Bronze Sponsors are: Perdue AgriBusiness, AminoMax, Origination, Inc., Phileo, Milc Group, and Balchem
2021 Webinars
Archived Recordings of Completed Webinars
The Nutritionist 2021 Webinar Fessenden December
Dr. Sam Fessenden gives us a very personal tour of his Silver Spirit Dairy, the Minnesota Dairy he runs with his wife and her parents.
The Nutritionist 2021 Webinar Scothorn November
Click through for the Recording of the November 2021 The Nutritionist webinar with Daniel Scothorn
The Nutritionist Webinar 2021 Tylutki October
We have a great tour of the heifer facilities and discussion with Tom on his approach to managing replacement animals to ensure maximum herd productivity.
The Nutritionist 2021 webinar Heinri Spangenberg
In September Dr Heinri Spangenberg of Westside Enterprises and experienced in the technical side of the South African Feed Industry delivered the September webinar
The Nutritionist 2021 webinar Elena Bonfante & Bill Prokop
Dr Elena Bonfante and Bill Prokop tour us through three farms making milk for cheese production in Italy.
The Nutritionist 2021 Sotirios Karvountzis
The July webinar with Dr Sotirios Karvountzis was a great overview of how nutritionists, veterinarians, and dairy managers can work together to optimize animal performance.
The Nutritionist 2021 Rick Grant
Dr Rick Grant delivered a great farm tour and talked about cow comfort specifics.
The 2021 Sheep Nutritionist Winchell
Follow the Read More link to listen to the archived webinar recording
The 2021 Nutritionist May 13 Bakhchevnikov
Enjoy a realistic farm tour of a Michigan, USA 8200-cow dairy and a large dairy in Russia with our host Dr Vadim Bakhchevnikov.
The 2021 Sheep Nutritionist April Hassoun
Dr Philippe Hassoun, INRAE (France) teaches us about feeding milking sheep in the INRAE system. Read more for the recording.
The Nutritionist 2021 April 8 Ramos
Click Read More to listen to the recording of Marcelo Hentz Ramos as he talks about the Brazilian dairy industry.
The Sheep Nutritionist Massoud Aoun March 18
Mr Aoun provided an excellent, well constructed webinar with information on selection, traditions, and nutritional considerations for profitable fattening and marketing of sheep.
The Nutritionist 2021 Mar Cardoso
Dr Phil Cardoso’s March 2021 The Nutritionist webinar was a great look at the details of researching transition cow issues.
The Nutritionist 2021 Feb Tylutki
Dr Tom Tylutki takes us on another farm tour in the inaugural The Nutritionist 2021 webinar. After a very snowy walking of the barns and discussion of the groups, Tom answers questions on his approach to nutritional troubleshooting.
The series is a unique, multi-language presentation held in English, Portuguese, Mandarin, and Spanish.
Noted ruminant nutritionists present in English hosted by Mariann Fessenden of AMTS in the United States; Marcelo Hentz Ramos hosts a simultaneously translated webinar in Portuguese, Shawn Li hosts in Mandarin, Vadim Bakhchevnikov hosts in Russia, Elena Bonfante in Italy, Hüdayi Kavuşturan in Turkey, and Paula Turiello hosts a Spanish language webinar.
The purpose of these webinars is to provide access to technical seminars on a range of topics delivered by internationally recognized speakers to a global audience.

Key Points About the Nutritionist
The presentations are delivered in English on Zoom webinar platform and approximately 60 minutes in length.
The Spanish, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Russian language webinars are simultaneously translated and transmitted on other platforms.
Questions are fielded from English language listeners as well as from listeners around the world. The flow of the talk is not interrupted for translation.
The audience is global. To better accommodate listeners in all time zones, the recorded webinar is played with live question opportunities offered in both morning and night sessions on the webinar day.
Archived recordings of past webinars are available for on our website. Recordings are also available as podcasts.
All webinars and recordings have received CEU credit approval from ARPAS