The Nutritionist 2017 Webinar Series

Dr. Barry Bradford: Fiber, Fill, and Fermentability February 8, 2017

Dr. Barry Bradford is the first presenter in our 2017 series of The Nutritionist.

Barry Bradford, from Kansas State University discussed the differing ways of measuring NDF and NDF digestibility. His talk focused on lab results and what numbers are important. Barry’s research focuses on interactions of inflammation and metabolism. The question and answer period was very focused on maintaining butterfat.

Our 2017 webinars are co-hosted by  Paula Turiello in Argentina and 3Rlab in Brazil by Marcos Neves Pereira; the primary host is Mariann Fessendenin English for AMTS. The webinar would not be possible without the generous assistance of Aginomoto HeartlandArm & Hammer Animal NutritionDairyLand Lab, Dairy One Forage LaboratoriesR&D Life SciencesAdisseoAminoMax, Jefo, and QLF


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