The Nutritionist 2016
Archived Webinars
Each two-hour session is held on the second Wednesday of the month (UTC-4). A complete recording of each seminar is posted here and on the 3rLab websites. These archived recordings can be listened to on each webinar page or downloaded through the AMTS vimeo website. Podcasts of the audio of each webinar is available for listening online or downloading in the Knowledge Base section of our website. Podcasts are exclusive to registered users.
The Nutritionist 2016 Webinar Series Dr. Tom Overton: Transition Cows, February 10, 2016
The Nutritionist 2016 Webinar Series Dr. Tom Overton: Transition Cows, February 10, 2016 Dr. Tom Overton kicked off of the first in our 2016 series of The Nutritionist. His talk received the highest number of pre-registered users to our webinar series since we...
The Nutritionist 2016 Webinar Series Forage Lab Forum March 9 , 2016
The Nutritionist 2016 Webinar Series Forage Lab Forum March 9 , 2016 Representatives from three of the major forage labs were the presenters. In March we held another first for our webinar series: multiple presenters in three locations. It went off well and we had...
The Nutritionist 2016 Webinar Series Dr. Jim Drackley: Feeding Calves, April 13, 2016
The Nutritionist 2016 Webinar Series Dr. Jim Drackley: Feeding Calves, April 13, 2016 Dr. Jim Drackely: Feeding Calves–Weaning and Early Post Weaning Strategies. Dr Drackley gave a tremendous seminar about research in successful calf raising to maximize health,...
2016 Webinar Series Dr. Tom Jenkins: Fatty Acids in Lactating Cow Diets, May 11, 2016
2016 Webinar Series Dr. Tom Jenkins: Fatty Acids in Lactating Cow Diets, May 11, 2016 Dr. Tom Jenkins, Clemson University talks about Fatty Acids in Diets of Dairy Cattle. Noted instructor and researcher, Dr. Tom Jenkins, regularly talks about the use and effect of...
The Nutritionist 2016 Webinar Series Dr. Bill Prokop: Diet Forensics, July 13, 2016
The Nutritionist 2016 Webinar Series Dr. Bill Prokop: Diet Forensics, July 13, 2016 Dr. Bill Prokop, of Dairy-8 and AVA, gives focused insight on troubleshooting diets . Bill serves as a consultant on many farms in the US and globally providing practical advise for...
2016 Webinar Series Dr. Mike VanAmburgh: Heifer Nutrition, July 13 2016
2016 Webinar Series Dr. Mike VanAmburgh: Heifer Nutrition, July 13 2016 Dr. Mike VanAmbugh, always popular, returns to the Nutritionist to talk Heifers. Mike VanAmburgh, Professor at Cornell University, is often asked to speak on current developments in The Cornell...
The Nutritionist 2016 Webinar Series Dr. Charlie Sniffen, Fermentable Carbohydrates, August 9, 2016
The Nutritionist 2016 Webinar Series Dr. Charlie Sniffen, Fermentable Carbohydrates, August 9, 2016 Dr. Charlie Sniffen, one of the founders of the CNCPS model joins us to discuss fermentable carbohydrates. Charlie has been actively involved in the CNCPS model...
The Nutritionist 2016 Webinar Series Dr. Tom Tylutki: Advanced Formulation September 14, 2016
The Nutritionist 2016 Webinar Series Dr. Tom Tylutki: Advanced Formulation September 14, 2016 Dr. Tom Tylutki, one of the creators of the series, addresses the finer points of formulation. Being the boss has privileges. We lined Tom up to talk about advanced...
The Nutritionist 2016 Webinar Series Dr. Dave Barbano: New Frontiers in Milk Analysis–Identifying Preformed Fatty Acids, 12 October 2016
The Nutritionist 2016 Webinar Series Dr. Dave Barbano: New Frontiers in Milk Analysis–Identifying Preformed Fatty Acids, 12 October 2016 Dr. Dave Barbano, a food scientist focused on milk fat analysis methods, spoke about New Frontiers in Milk Analysis. Dr Barbano is...
2016 Webinar Series Dr. Nina Vonkeyserlingk: Calf feeding and management
2016 Webinar Series Dr. Nina Vonkeyserlingk: Calf feeding and management Dr. Nina VonKeyserlingk talks about successful pre-weaned calf management Dr VonKeyserlingk’s talk about rethinking methods for feeding and housing dairy calves completed the replacement animal...
The series is a unique, multi-language presentation held in English, Portuguese, Mandarin, and Spanish.
Noted ruminant nutritionists present in English hosted by Mariann Fessenden of AMTS in the United States; Marcelo Hentz Ramos hosts a simultaneously translated webinar in Portuguese, and Paula Turiellohosts a Spanish language webinar.
The purpose of these webinars is to provide access to technical seminars on a range of topics delivered by internationally recognized speakers to a global audience.

Key Points About the Nutritionist
The presentations are delivered in English on Zoom webinar platform and approximately 60 minutes in length.
The Spanish, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Russian language webinars are simultaneously translated and transmitted on other platforms.
Questions are fielded from English language listeners as well as from listeners around the world. The flow of the talk is not interrupted for translation.
The audience is global. To better accommodate listeners in all time zones, the recorded webinar is played with live question opportunities offered in both morning and night sessions on the webinar day.
Archived recordings of past webinars are available for on our website. Recordings are also available as podcasts.
All webinars and recordings have received CEU credit approval from ARPAS