Dr Chris Chase became the first presenter of the 2018 The Nutritionist series.
Dr. Chris Chase offered a very interesting presentation on the effects nutrition can have on the immune system. The first webinar of 2018, it was a continuation on the mini-unit on immunology and nutrition begun by Drs. Lance Baumgard and Michael Ballou in 2017. We were joined by Paula Turiello, translating into Spanish and broadcasting in Argentina, and Tom Long, our new partner in China. Tom translated into Mandarin. Marcelo Hentz Ramos from Brazil was unable to join us.
In addition to an excellent presentation, the question and answer period was terrifically informative.
The Nutritionist 2018 Chris Chase from AMTS on YouTube.
Our 2018 webinars are co-hosted by Paula Turiello in Argentina, and in China by Tom Long; the primary host is Mariann Fessenden in English for AMTS. The webinar would not be possible without the generous assistance of Ajinomoto Heartland, Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition, DairyLand Lab, Dairy One Forage Laboratories, R&D Life Sciences,Perdue AgriBusiness, Kemin, ABVista, Origination, Inc., NovaMeal by Novita Nutrition ,Adisseo, AminoMax, Jefo, and QLF