
This list of documents, some of them hyperlinked, provides a starting point for access to the original publications tracking model development. Access to some of the papers require memberships in the organization that published them.

Model Development

Tylutki, T.P., D.G. Fox , V.M. Durbal, L.O. Tedeschi, J.B. Russell, M.E. VanAmburgh, T.R. Overton, L.E. Chase, A.N. Pell. 2008. Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System: A model for precision feeding of dairy cattle. Anim. Feed. Sci. Tech. 143:174-202.
Abdalla, H. O., D. G. Fox, and M. L. Thonney. 1988. Compensatory gain by Holstein calves after under feeding protein. J Anim Sci. 66:2687-2695.
Ainslie, S. J., D. G. Fox, T. C. Perry, D. J. Ketchen, and M. C. Barry. 1993. Predicting amino acid adequacy of diets fed to Holstein steers. J Anim Sci. 71(5):1312-1319.
Cannas, A., L. O. Tedeschi, D. G. Fox, A. N. Pell, and P. J. Van Soest. 2004. A mechanistic model for predicting the nutrient requirements and feed biological values for sheep. J. Anim Sci. 82(1):149-169.
Cannas, A., L. O. Tedeschi, A. S. Atzori, and D. G. Fox. 2005. Prediction of energy requirements for growing sheep with the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System. Page (in press) in Modelling nutrient utilization in farm animals. J. Dijkstra, ed. CABI Publishing, Cambridge, MA.
Fox, D. G. and J. R. Black. 1984. A system for predicting body composition and performance of growing cattle. J Anim Sci. 58(3):725-739.
Fox, D. G., C. J. Sniffen, and J. D. O’Connor. 1988. Adjusting nutrient requirements of beef cattle for animal and environmental variations. J Anim Sci. 66:1475-1495.
Fox, D. G., C. J. Sniffen, J. D. O’Connor, J. B. Russell, and P. J. Van Soest. 1992. A net carbohydrate and protein system for evaluating cattle diets: III. Cattle requirements and diet adequacy. J Anim Sci. 70:3578-3596.
Fox, D. G. and L. O. Tedeschi. 2003. Predicting dietary amino acid adequacy for ruminants. Pages 389-410 in Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition. J. P. F. D’Mello, ed. CABI Publishing, Cambridge, MA.
Fox, D. G., L. O. Tedeschi, T. P. Tylutki, J. B. Russell, M. E. Van Amburgh, L. E. Chase, A. N. Pell, and T. R. Overton. 2004. The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System model for evaluating herd nutrition and nutrient excretion. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 112(1-4):29-78.
Fox, D. G. and T. P. Tylutki. 1998. Accounting for the effects of environment on the nutrient requirements of dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci. 81(11):3085-3095.
Mills, J. A. N., E. Kebreab, C. M. Yates, L. A. Compton, S. B. Cammell, M. S. Dhanoa, R. E. Agnew, and J. France 2003. Alternative approaches to predicting methane emissions from dairy cows. J. Anim. Sci. 81:3141-3130.

Model Application

Cerosaletti, P. E., D. G. Fox, L. E. Chase, A. N. Pell, and W. A. Knoblauch. 1998. Application of the Cornell net carbohydrate and protein system on a pasture-based dairy farm. Proc Cornell Nutr Conf Feed Manuf, Rochester, NY:197-211.
Cerosaletti, P. E., D. G. Fox, and L. E. Chase. 2004. Phosphorus reduction through precision feeding of dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 87:2314-2323.
Fox, D. G., M. C. Barry, R. E. Pitt, D. K. Roseler, and W. C. Stone. 1995. Application of the Cornell net carbohydrate and protein model for cattle consuming forage. J Anim Sci. 73:267-277.
Fox, D. G. and L. O. Tedeschi. 2002. Application of physically effective fiber in diets for feedlot cattle. Pages 67-81 in Proc. Plains nutrition conference, San Antonio, TX.
Nicholson, C. F., R. W. Blake, C. I. Urbina, D. R. Lee, D. G. Fox, and P. J. Van Soest. 1994. Economic comparison of nutritional management strategies for Venezuelan dual-purpose cattle systems. J Anim Sci. 72:1680-1696.
Nicholson, C. F., D. R. Lee, R. N. Boisvert, R. W. Blake, and C. I. Urbina. 1994. An optimization model of the dual-purpose cattle production system in the humid lowlands of Venezuela. Agric Sys. 46:311-334.
Roseler, D. K. 1991. The use of nutrition models in the commercial feed industry. Proc Cornell Nutr Conf Feed Manuf, Rochester, NY:66-72.
Rueda, B. L., R. W. Blake, C. F. Nicholson, D. G. Fox, L. O. Tedeschi, A. N. Pell, E. C. M. Fernandes, J. F. Valentim, and J. C. Carneiro. 2003. Production and economic potentials of cattle in pasture-based systems of the western Amazon region of Brazil. J. Anim Sci. 81(12):2923-2937.
Stone, W. C., L. E. Chase, and D. G. Fox. 1992. System model in a progressive dairy herd. Proc Cornell Nutr Conf Feed Manuf, Rochester, NY:168-179.
Tedeschi, L. O., D. G. Fox, and T. P. Tylutki. 2003. Potential environmental benefits of ionophores in ruminant diets. J. Environ. Qual. 32:1591-1602.

Model Evaluation

Aquino, D. L., L. O. Tedeschi, C. Lanzas, S. S. Lee, and J. B. Russell. 2003. Evaluation of CNCPS predictions of milk production of dairy cows fed alfalfa silage. Pages 137-150 in Proc. Cornell Nutr. Conf. Feed Manuf., Syracuse, NY. New York State College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Cornell University.
Guiroy, P. J., D. G. Fox, D. H. Beerman, and D. J. Ketchen. 2000. Performance and meat quality of beef steers fed corn-based or bread by-products-based diets. J Anim Sci. 78:784-790.
Jonker, J. S., D. G. Fox, L. E. Chase, and D. J. R. Cherney. 2001. Effects of variations in grass protein fractions and degradation rates on metabolizable protein allowable milk production. J. Appl. Animal Res. 20:189-196.
Jonker, J. S., D. J. R. Cherney, D. G. Fox, L. E. Chase, and J. H. Cherney. 2002. Orchardgrass versus alfalfa for lactating dairy cattle: Production, digestibility and nitrogen balance. J. Appl. Animal Res. 21:81-92.
Knaus, J. W. F., D. H. Beermann, P. Guiroy, M. L. Boehm, and D. G. Fox. 2001. Optimization of rate and efficiency of dietary nitrogen utilization through the use of animal by-products and(or) urea and their effects on nutrient digestion in Holstein steers. J Anim Sci. 79:753-760.
Knaus, W. F., D. H. Beermann, L. O. Tedeschi, M. Czajkowski, D. G. Fox, and J. B. Russell. 2002. Effects of urea, isolated soybean protein and blood meal on growing steers fed a corn-based diet. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 102:3-14.
Knaus, W. F., D. H. Beermann, L. O. Tedeschi, P. J. Guiroy, M. L. Boehm, and D. G. Fox. 2003. Effects of dietary urea and exogenous oestradial-17B on nitrogen utilisation and nutrient digestion in Holstein steers fed a low-protein mixed grass hay-based diet. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 83: 523-531.
Knowlton, K. F., R. E. Pitt, and D. G. Fox. 1992. Dynamic model prediction of the value of reduced solubility of alfalfa silage protein for lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 75:1507-1516.
Knowlton, K. F., R. E. Pitt, and D. G. Fox. 1993. Model-predicted value of enzyme-treated alfalfa silage for lactating dairy cows. J Prod Agric. 6(2):280-286.
Kolver, E. S., M. C. Barry, J. W. Penno, and L. D. Muller. 1996. Evaluation of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System for dairy cows fed pasture-based diets. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production:251-254.
Molina, D. O., I. Matamoros, Z. Almeida, L. O. Tedeschi, and A. N. Pell. 2003. Evaluation of the DMI predictions of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System model with Holstein and dual-purpose lactating cattle in the tropics. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 114:261-278.
Reynoso-Campos, O., D. G. Fox, R. W. Blake, M. C. Barry, L. O. Tedeschi, C. F. Nicholson, H. M. Kaiser, and P. A. Oltenacu. 2004. Predicting nutritional requirements and lactation performance of dual-purpose cows using a continuous model. Agric. Syst. 80:67-83.
Roseler, D. K., D. G. Fox, A. N. Pell, and L. E. Chase. 1997. Evaluation of alternative equations for prediction of intake for Holstein dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 80(5):864-877.
Ruiz, R., L. O. Tedeschi, J. C. Marini, D. G. Fox, A. N. Pell, G. Jarvis, and J. B. Russell. 2002. The effect of a ruminal nitrogen (N) deficiency in dairy cows: evaluation of the Cornell net carbohydrate and protein system ruminal N deficiency adjustment. J Dairy Sci. 85:2986-2999.
Tedeschi, L. O., M. J. Baker, D. J. Ketchen, and D. G. Fox. 2002. Performance of growing and finishing cattle supplemented with a slow-release urea product and urea. Can. J. of Anim. Sci. 82:567-573.
Tedeschi, L. O., D. G. Fox, R. D. Sainz, L. G. Barioni, S. R. Medeiros, and C. Boin. 2005. Using mathematical models in ruminant nutrition. Scientia Agricola. 62:76-91.
Traxler, M. J., D. G. Fox, T. C. Perry, R. L. Dickerson, and D. L. Williams. 1995. Influence of roughage and grain processing in high-concentrate diets on the performance of long-fed Holstein steers. J Anim Sci. 73:1888-1900.
Van Amburgh, M. E., D. G. Fox, D. M. Galton, D. E. Bauman, and L. E. Chase. 1998. Evaluation of National Research Council and Cornell Net Cabohydrate and Protein Systems for predicting requirements of Holstein heifers. J Dairy Sci. 81:509-526.
Van Amburgh, M. E., D. M. Galton, D. E. Bauman, R. W. Everett, D. G. Fox, L. E. Chase, and H. N. Erb. 1998. Effects of three prepubertal body growth rates on performance of holstein heifers during first lactation. J Dairy Sci. 81:527-538.

Journal Publications

Van Amburgh, M. E., Collao-Saenz , E., Higgs, R., Ross, D., Recktenwald, E., Raffrenato, E., Chase, L. E., Overton, T. R., Mills, J., & Foskolos, A. (2015). The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System: Updates to the model and evaluation of version 6.5. Journal of Dairy Science. 98:6361-6380.
Higgs, R. J., Chase, L. E., Ross, D., & Van Amburgh, M. E. (2015). Updating the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System feed library and analyzing model sensitivity to feed inputs. Journal of Dairy Science. 98:6340-6360.
Recktenwald, E., Ross, D., Fessenden, S., Wall, C., & Van Amburgh, M. E. (2014). Urea-N recycling in lactating dairy cows fed diets with 2 different levels of dietary crude protein and starch with or without Rumensin. Journal of Dairy Science. 97:1611-1622.
Soberon, F., & Van Amburgh, M. E. (2013). Lactation Biology Symposium: The effect of nutrient intake from milk or milk replacer of preweaned dairy calves on lactation milk yield as adults: a meta-analysis of current data. Journal of Animal Science. 91:706-12.
Higgs, R., Chase, L. E., & Van Amburgh, M. E. (2012). Case Study: Application and evaluation of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System as a tool to improve nitrogen utilization in commercial dairy herds. Professional Animal Scientist. 28:370-378.
Soberon, F., Raffrenato, E., Everett, R. W., & Van Amburgh, M. E. (2012). Pre-weaning milk replacer intake and effects on long-term productivity of dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science. 95:783-793.
Higgs, R., Chase, L. E., & Van Amburgh, M. E. (2012). Development and evaluation of equations in the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System to predict nitrogen excretion in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 95:2004-2014.
Van Amburgh, M. E., Chase, L. E., Overton, T. R., Ross, D. A., Higgs, R. J., and Tylutki, T. J. 2010. Updates to the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System v6. 1 and implications for ration formulation. Pages 144-159 in Proc. 72nd Cornell Nutr. Conf. Feed Manuf., Syracuse, NY. New York State College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Cornell University.
Raffrenato, E., and Van Amburgh, M. E., 2010. Development of a mathematical model to predict sizes and rates of digestion of a fast and slow degrading pool and the indigestible NDF fraction. Pages 52-65 in Proc. 72nd Cornell Nutr. Conf. Feed Manuf., Syracuse, NY. New York State College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Cornell University.
Raffrenato, E., and Van Amburgh, M. E. (2011). Technical note: Improved methodology for analyses of acid detergent fiber and acid detergent lignin. Journal of Dairy Science. 94:3613-3617.
Van Amburgh, M. E., Foskolos, A.,. Collao-Saenz, E. A,, Higgs, R. J., and Ross, D. A. 2013. Updating the CNCPS feed library with new feed amino acid profiles and efficiencies of use: evaluation of model predictions – version 6.5 Pages 59 in Proc. Cornell Nutr. Conf. Feed Manuf., Syracuse, NY. New York State College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Cornell University.
Higgs, R., Chase, L. E., Ross, D. A., & Van Amburgh, M. E. 2012. Evaluating and refining the CNCPS feed library using commercial laboratory feed databases. Pages 59 in Proc. Cornell Nutr. Conf. Feed Manuf., Syracuse, NY. New York State College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Cornell University
KW Cotanch, K. W., Grant, R. J., Van Amburgh, M. E., Zontini, A., Fustini, M., Palmonari, A., Formigoni, A. 2014. Applications of uNDF in ration modeling and formulation. Pages 114-131 in Proc. Cornell Nutr. Conf. Feed Manuf., Syracuse, NY. New York State College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Cornell University
Ross, D. A., Gutierrez-Botero, M. M., & Van Amburgh, M. E. 2013. Development of an in vitro intestinal digestibility assay for ruminant feeds. Pages 190-202 in Proc. Cornell Nutr. Conf. Feed Manuf., Syracuse, NY. New York State College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Cornell University
Van Amburgh, M. E., Ross, D. A., Higgs, R. J., Recktenwald, E. B., and Chase, L. E. 2012. Balancing for Rumen Degradable Protein and Post-Ruminal Requirements for Lactating Cattle Using the CNCPS as a Basis for Evaluation. Pages 17-31 in Proc. of the 23rd Ruminant Nutr. Symposium. University of Florida, Gainsville, FL
Zontini, A., Foskolos, A., Ross, D.A., Metcalf, J., Doane, P. H., and Van Amburgh, M. E., 2015. Research Update: Formulating Diets for Lactating Cattle Using Multiple Pools of NDF Digestibility. Proc. Cornell Nutr. Conf. Feed Manuf., Syracuse, NY. New York State College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Cornell University
Van Amburgh, M. E., Grant, R. J., Cotanch, K. W., Zontini, A., Ross, D. A., and Foskolos, A., 2015. NDF – Making Something Old, New Again. Proc. Herd health and Nutr. Conf., New York State College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Cornell University
Gutierrez-Botero, M. M., Foskolos, A., Ross, D. A., and Van Amburgh, M. E., 2014 Balancing for Intestinal Nitrogen Indigestibility in High Producing Lactating Cattle: One Step Closer to Feeding a Cow Like a Pig? Pages 140-147 in Proc. Cornell Nutr. Conf. Feed Manuf., Syracuse, NY. New York
Raffrenato, E., Fievisohn, R., Cotanch, K. W., Grant, R. J., Chase, L. E., Van Amburgh, M. E., and Crovetto, G. M., 2010. Effect of lignin linkages with other plant cell wall components on in vitro and in vivo NDF digestibility of forages and potential energy yield. Pages 723-724. In Proc Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition. 3rd EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition, Parma, Italy
Van Amburgh, M. E., Recktenwald, E. B., Ross, D. A., Higgs, R. J., Overton, T. R., and Chase, L. E. 2010. Nitrogen recycling and rumen degradable protein requirements: Quantitative updates to describe microbial requirements, sources, and applications in ration formulation. Journal of Dairy Science. 93:467-467 (Abstr.)
Van Amburgh, M. E., Foskolos, A., and Higgs, R. J. 2015. Balancing Diets with the CNCPS v6.5 – What’s Changed and Implications for Use. Proc. Cornell Nutr. Conf. Feed Manuf., Syracuse, NY. New York State College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Cornell University
Tylutki, T. P., Durbal, V., Rasmussen, C. N., & Amburgh, M. E. (2011). Implementation of a genetic algorithm for optimization within the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System framework. Modelling nutrient digestion and utilisation in farm animals, 63-71.

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