The Most Trusted Ration Formulation Software on the Market

Designed and developed by nutritionists from the ground up for progressive professional nutritionists, mill operators and feed industry professionals.

News and Updates

March 17- The next generation of AMTS software released. Welcome to the AMTS ecosystem!

We have relased the next generation of AMTS formulation and feed management software, replacing AMTS.Pro and AMTS FBM. We are very happy to launch our updated and integrated formulation software AMTS Nutrition with AMTS Silo integration with cloud storage, enhanced collaboration and greater security. Accompanying our excellent diet creation software is our user friendly feed management cloud-based program for easy reconciliation and greater formulae and feed security; AMTS Feeds Manager. Our new admin system, AMTS SSO, the web portal for all your company and user management seamlessly creates the system for enhanced collaboration and security. Watch the overview (left) and our growing list of YouTube videos on the new Ecosystem to create your account in the system today! Need a little help? Check our booking schedule with the button below. 

We Are Dedicated to Our Users & Products

Our business has roots in the Cornell University Ruminant Nutrition Modeling group. Since 2005, we’ve been providing technical consulting, support and solutions for clients ranging from independent consultants to multi-national feed companies. Simply put, we thrive on making AMTS products the most trusted feed formulation software on the market. With a range of products that work seamlessly together, our software is an invaluable aid for mill operators, nutritionists and feed industry professionals. Our dairy and beef cattle feed formulation software is based on the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) to provide the most up-to-date software based on science available. 


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