CNCPS, Formulating, Global Use
Since the last major revision of the CNCPS in 2010, further refinements of the model have been researched and validated in the effort to more closely predict animal responses to nutrient and management inputs. Several adjustments to the model biology will be...
Program Features, Releases
About ten days ago AMTS released an update of the AMTS.Cattle™.Pro ration balancing program. Lynn sent you an email blast and (if you had downloaded the major update in April) your program informed you that there was a newer version of .Pro available for download....
Global Use, Releases, Updates
I recognize that it has been a little while since we have had any new stories up here on the blog site. Everyone has been very busy this winter, so busy that other projects—all of which are coming to a critical point at once—have been taking most of our time. You will...
Program Features, Releases, Updates
I got waylaid by much work up to the Holidays and then, Christmas itself; so I am much delayed in posting the final bit of information about what is new in the latest version. There are various new outputs Four Additional Outputs IOpurFC (Income Over purchased Feed...